Friday, 16 August 2013

Now before I get into this story I need to explain a little about my beliefs.
I am NOT a Christain, I am NOT a Buddhist an Atheist or any belief that is common out there.
I call myself a "Truth Seeker."
This is because I believe that every belief has some good in it. No matter what the person believes in.

I try to take what resonates with me and if it feels good and does no harm to any being then there is a good chance that it will fit somewhere into my "Truth Seeking."

My story started in early August of 2013. It was around 6pm and I had been informed that there was a runaway fire burning along our stream, which runs through the farm where I am employed.
I then asked our manager to try and get a few guys to come and assist while I unlocked the gate which gives us access to the "afflicted" area. The big worry about this area and fires is that it is close to one of the forests on the farm. We have had some nasty experiences with fires getting into or close to the forests. This is a situation we try and avoid.

I had opened the gate and arrived where the fire was burning to find that somebody (one of our guards in fact) had beaten me to it and most of the fire had been extinguished.
Now there was no moon and it was very dark so I had parked the truck I was driving in a safe area with the headlights shining so that I could see what I was doing.

I was just putting out embers along the edge of the fire with a fire beater when my left leg went into mid air and all I remember thinking was Uh Oh.....................
Now all I remember regarding what happened next was thinking, "Hey this is not such a bad way to go." ie Pass away/Die. I was at total peace. It was a wonderful feeling.
The next minute I was choking trying to get air into my lungs. I was a little worried then because that was a little scary.

I eventually got rid of the water, found the bank of the stream and after reaching the top again began to realise how lucky I was. You see, I had started to drown.......................
Then I found the episode rather funny because here I was wet to the skin on half of my clothing, my hair hanging wetly over my face and I must have looked like some kind of apparition, with ash from the burnt grass all over me where I climbed up the bank of the stream. I was not even cold and at this time we are still experiencing our Winter.

I then decided that the fire was OK and it was time to bath before I caught a cold. That bath was one to remember because I had so much junk on me that I had to clean the plug hole, which blocked, so the water could all run out.

THEN once again I realised how lucky I was. I give thanks for everything in my life no matter what it is and I can tell you that I was VERY thankful that I had "made it."
The stream is not very wide and at this time of year not very deep (although there are a few deeper pools where the water stands). It consists mainly of big black roundish rocks.
In the middle of the pic is where I "disappeared." The top is where I clawed my way out. The ledge is just visible below the black line where the grass had been burnt. This is where my feet must have been. Seems higher than it really is. The top of the bank is almost 2m high.

This is where I landed. The pool is about the same size as myself and about 200 mm deep. I fitted almost exactly. The ledge is just visible below the unburnt grass in the bottom right corner.
I decided to go the next day to have a look at the area to take a couple of photos. (The two photos above I took the day afterwards) and those below were taken by a friend with her camera over the weekend, because there were a couple of things that were nagging me which I could not understand.

Firstly I was wearing gum boots (galoshes) at the time but they did not have any water in them.
Secondly I remember having a hard time lifting myself out of the water. One reason was because my clothes were soaked but there had to be more to it than just that.

When I went to look the next day I realised I had been luckier than I could have imagined (DIVINE GUIDANCE).
The bank is just under 2m high. I had dropped into a shallow pool at the bottom. In BETWEEN a couple of rocks at the edges. There is a ledge where the water level is during the summer and then the top of the bank.
Now, I do NOT remember dropping. It happened too fast. Luckily because I must have dropped and never had time to brace myself before hitting the water. In hindsight I realise that I MUST have hit the ledge and then gone sideways into the water. My feet were probably on the ledge which is why there was no water in my boots and why I had a hard time lifting myself out of the water when choking.
There is my Pond.

Where I disappeared

All I suffered was a little whiplash and some aching muscles. Oh, and a bump on the side of my head. probably from hitting the water so hard.
If I had landed one meter or less in either direction at the best I would have broken bones and at the worst??? would not be writing this now.
Looking Downstream

A meter to the left........................
I still do not know whether I was unconscious for a while or just stunned but must have been in the water for a while to get as wet as I did............................... The water had had time to soak my clothing.
And remember there was NOBODY to assist me .................................I met the manager on the road when I was almost home and he did not believe me when I told him I had been swimming so I stood in front of the headlights of his truck and showed him.

I do believe that I needed to experience the episode and am most grateful for it but am even more grateful that my Spiritual Guides??? assisted me in guiding me to an area where I would not have been hurt and I did survive.

Obviously I have still too much to learn or too much to teach........Personally I think the former is true...............but then I still have to complete the Labyrinth.................and that project will be ongoing and probably never be completed to the point where I will be able to say, "OK no more alterations, changes improvements," etc because I know new ideas will be coming to me all of the time.

I believe in Divine Intervention. DO YOU......................

PS This is something I had forgotten to mention.............
The fire beater I was using to put out the fire/embers was still clutched in my right hand, even after clambering up the stream bank after the episode. I did not even have time to let go of it.....
I wonder what significance this has in the scenario. Did it assist or hinder me in my "swim." I think I need to take more photos and try to get down to the stream where I fell just to try and get an idea of what it might have done.

PSS The photos below were taken once again by my good friend and even though it does not shed too much light on the scenario, all I can think is that I was lying sideways in the water. It explains why I never let go of the fire beater (did not have time) and why I was sore on one side and why I had whiplash.
All I know is that I was one VERY lucky guy.........

Shorty and the fire beater. He even had a hard time climbing up to the top but then he is 15 years old and not that big.

On the way down

My feet must have been there. The beater is just a little longer than I am tall.

I was lying here

Even climbing out was a mission

PSSS It has brought one thought to my mind and that is.
"Where would I be now and what would I be doing now if I had not survived ??????????????????"


A few weeks after this incident I was looking for a broken water pipe on the farm, tripped in long grass and fell flat on my face. It is over a week ago as I write this and I still have a bruise on my leg/thigh. I grazed the palm of my hand as well.
Now this was just walking in long grass, NOT dropping over a meter down a bank.
I take it as proof that there was definitely something/some being assisting me in the episode of the stream and with this episode were just giving me the proof I was looking for.



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